W.G. Rogers House
“The W.G. Rogers house is one of Charlotte’s earliest examples of the Dutch Colonial Revival architectural style. Built about 1902, the one and a half story dwelling features the barn-like gambrel roofs characteristic of the style. Rogers was among Charlotte’s first architects, and he incorporated many “state-of-the-art” architectural features in his residence which are worthy of note.” Dr. Thomas W. Hanchett
Higgins and Owens is based in the W.G. Rogers House, built in 1902 and now designated as a Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Site. Noted Charlotte architect Willard G. Rogers designed the home and lived there with his wife, Eva Troy Rogers. Rogers later became a partner of C.C. Hook, with whom he went on to design some of Charlotte’s finest buildings, including the Masonic Temple, the original YWCA building, and the Van Landingham House. Eva Rogers was three-time president of the Charlotte Woman’s Club. Unfortunately, the Rogers lost their home in 1933 during the Great Depression.
The W.G. Rogers House is one of the earliest examples of the Dutch Colonial Revival style in Charlotte, built in turn-of-the-century Dilworth, Charlotte’s first streetcar suburb. In 1982, Gary Benner and John Geer purchased the W.G. Rogers House, which by then had fallen into serious disrepair after years of use as a boarding house. Dr. Dan Morrill and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission saved the house from destruction in 1984, the first residence in Mecklenburg County to benefit from the Commission’s work. It became home to Higgins & Owens in early 2016.