Seasoned trial attorneys delivering sound strategy.
Recognized by peers for excellence.
Top-level litigation and dispute resolution skills.
Finding the resolution clients want.

Sally Higgins and Ray Owens deliver what clients need and want: sound strategy plus top-level litigation and dispute resolution skills. Practical and results-oriented, they are in demand for their rare ability to “cut through the noise” and resolve complex disputes.

Both are award-winning professionals, recognized by peers for their excellence. Most recently, Sally was selected by her peers as a Best Lawyers in America “2023 Lawyer of the Year” for her work in Bet-the-Company Litigation in Charlotte, and one of the Top 100 Super Lawyers for North Carolina. Ray has been named in Super Lawyers in the Business Litigation category and also in Business North Carolina’s Legal Elite for Business Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution for multiple years.

Ray’s practice today focuses solely on alternative dispute resolution, including serving as an arbitrator and a mediator for all manner of cases. Sally continues to take on commercial litigation cases that require her seasoned capabilities. She also serves as an arbitrator and mediator. Both welcome your inquiries and referrals.

And yes, Ray and Sally are partners in law and in life. They are long-time residents of Charlotte, N.C., and when they aren’t fully engaged in the legal work they love, they spend as much time as possible outdoors and making music (Ray) and visual art (Sally).